Good attendance will help you to make the most of the opportunities here at Northgate High School. It will help you to:
- Keep up with your school work and get the best results you can
- Get a job - employers like people who are reliable
Remember, your attendance at school is shown on all school reports and references.
You should arrive at school for Tutor Time at 8.35am. The morning register will be called promptly at 8.40am and the afternoon one at 2:00pm, at the beginning of period 4.
What to do if you are late
If you arrive late, you should go to Reception; you will be marked late and your time of arrival recorded.
Acceptable reasons for unplanned absences include:
- Illness
- Emergency dental/medical appointments (please make routine appointments after school or during the holidays)
An unforeseen absence requires your parent or carer to contact the school each day you are absent to let us know the situation.
Acceptable reasons for the planned absence include:
- Attending an interview for a job, school, university etc.
- Attendance at a family funeral.
The above requires the completion of an Exceptional Leave of Absence Application Form before the event. The school will not authorise absence for day trips, visiting relatives, shopping, birthdays, looking after brothers or sisters, or family holidays.
Please download a copy below, and return to school.
Need help?
Are you having problems with your school work? Are you being bullied? Are your friends giving you a hard time? Are things difficult at school? Are things difficult at home?
You may feel that missing school is the answer. It is not - it may even make things worse. Talk to someone - your Form Tutor, another member of staff, your parents. We will do everything we can to help you to overcome the problem.