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Before School
Club Name Room When Year Group(s)

  Breakfast Club

Dining Hall 

8-8:30am Open to all 


Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)

Turn up and play Badminton

HMC Sports Hall 


Years 7 - 9

Netball SLC

Netball Courts/All Weather


Years 10 - 13

Physics drop-in




Years 12 & 13

Debating Society


Sixth Form Study Centre


Years 12 & 13
String Group



1:10-1:50pm Years 10 - 13

Arsenal Supporters Club (men's & women's)




Yrs 9 - 13















After School

Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)

Dance Club



3.15pm - 4pm

Years 9 & 10

Photography open studio for GCSE/Alevel




Years 10 - 13

KS4 Homework
& Revision

A Kellett/
K Pycock

Middle school


Year 11


Before School

Club Name Room When Year Group(s)

  Breakfast Club

Dining Hall 

8-8:30am Open to all 


Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)

Thought Bubble



11:50 - 12:35pm

Years 7 & 8

Basketball Club

JEG Sports Hall 11:50 - 12:35pm Years 8 & 9

Careers Talks
(6 before Xmas) not every week

WMP S16 1:10 - 1:50pm Years 12 & 13
String Group CJR N48 11:55 - 12:35pm Years 7 - 9
Choir J-T N45 1:10 - 1:50pm Years 10 - 13
Youth Theatre Group AFB N5 12-12:30pm

Years 7 & 8

BBC iPlayer
Film Club

I-B S7 1:10 - 1:50pm Years 12 & 13

After School

Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)

Car Club

JMJ T30 3:10pm onwards All Years

School Show Music Rehearsal

J-T N5 3:15 - 4:30pm Cast members

Sixth Form Maths workshop


(alt wks)

Years 12 & 13
Culture Club SDS Sixth Form Common Room 3:30 - 4pm

All years
(but particularly useful for Years 12 & 13)

Running Club JNT Running Track 3:15 - 4:15pm  All Years

A level biology drop-in (alternating Tues and Thurs)

2 of RJG,


3:20 - 4:30pm

Years 12 & 13
GCSE Drama Rehearsals


N9 3:15 - 4pm Year 11

Photography open studio for GCSE/Alevel

AMG T36 3:15 - 4:30pm Years 10 - 13

KS4 Homework
& Revision

A Kellett/
K Pycock

Middle school


Year 11

KS5 Working open session. Textiles



Years 12 & 13

Art open studio for GCSE/Alevel


  3.10-4:10pm Years 10 - 13

Biology drop-in

Biology staff

T12 (alternate weeks)

3:15 - 4:15pm Years 12 & 13


Before School

Club Name Room When Year Group(s)

  Breakfast Club

Dining Hall 

8-8:30am Open to all 


Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)
Dance Club HLP N61 12 - 12:30pm Year 7 & 8
Crochet Club JXH & HER T50 1:15 - 1:50pm Years 12 & 13
Chess Club SDS T11 1:10 - 1:45pm  Years 10-13
Textiles Club HAS & AAF T48 11:55 - 12:30pm Years 7 & 8
Young Enterprise WMP S16 1:10 - 1:50pm Year 12
Medics Society VAC Careers Library (Alternate weeks) 1:10 - 1:50pm Years 12 & 13

After School

Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)

School Show Full Cast rehearsals



3:15 - 4:30pm

Cast Members
Keyboard Group BKB N48 3:15pm Years 7-9

Sixth Form Maths workshop


(alt wks)

Years 12 & 13
Girls Turn up and Play Football SJC Grass 3:20 - 4:15pm Years 7 - 9
GCSE Drama Rehearsals


N9 3:15 - 4pm Year 11
Drop In
Chemistry Staff T39 3:15 - 4:30pm Years 12 & 13

Photography open studio for GCSE/Alevel

AMG & JRH T35 3:15 - 4:30pm Years 10 - 13

KS4 Homework
& Revision

A Kellett/
K Pycock

Middle school


Year 11

Girls Football DJB/SWW All weather surface 3.10-4.30pm Years 10 - 13

Art open studio for GCSE/Alevel


  3.10-4:10pm Years 10 - 13

Bike Maintenance Club


Wooden shelter - Languages

3.10-4pm All Years


Before School
Club Name Room When Year Group(s)

  Breakfast Club

Dining Hall 

8-8:30am Open to all 
Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)
Netball HMH Sports Hall 12 - 12:30pm  Years 8 & 9
Fitness Suite SCG Fitness Suite 1:15 - 1:50pm  Years 10 & 11

Economics Revision Sessions

WMP S10 1:10 - 1:50pm  Year 13 only
The Big Question 

Run by Ben Goodard (Pastor)

L16 1:10 - 1:50pm  Years 10 & 11
KS3 Singing Group J-T N48 12 - 12:30pm Years 7-9
Science Club SDS T11 12 - 12:30pm  Years 7 & 9
Careers Talks VAC T2 (Alternate weeks) 1:10 - 1:50pm

Year 12 & 13 (depending on speaker, Y10-11 too)

After School

Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)

School Show Drama Rehearsal



3:15 - 4:30pm

Cast Members
A level biology drop-in
(alternating Tues and Thurs)
Biology Staff T12 3:20 - 4:30pm Years 12 & 13
Jazz Band J-T N48 3:20 - 4pm All Years
Backstage Crew Club HRJ N5
(or N9)
3:20 - 4:30pm Crew Members

KS4 Homework
& Revision

A Kellett/
M Leach

Middle school


Year 11

KS5 Working open session. Textiles



Years 12 & 13
Horror Club K_H S3


Year 11-13

Art open studio for GCSE/Alevel


  3.10-4:10pm Years 10 - 13

Biology drop-in

Biology staff

T12 (alternate weeks)

3:15 - 4:15pm Years 12 & 13


Before School
Club Name Room When Year Group(s)

  Breakfast Club

Dining Hall 

8-8:30am Open to all 
Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)
Netball Club SEF Sports Hall 12 - 12:30pm  Year 7
GCSE/A Level/Theory Music drop in CJR N48 1:10 - 1:50pm Years 11 - 13
GCSE Drama Rehearsals AFB N9 1:10 - 1:50pm Year 11
After School
Club Name Staff Member Room When Year Group(s)
Band CJR N48 3:20 - 4pm All Years
GCSE Drama Rehearsals AFB N9 3:15 - 4pm Year 11

Photography open studio for GCSE/Alevel

AMG T36 3:15 - 4:30pm Years 10 - 13

Art open studio for GCSE/Alevel


  3.10-4:10pm Years 10 - 13

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The aim of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is to provide young people with an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development, which is of the highest quality and widest reach. Young people doing their DofE programme complete four different types of activity. The first three must be carried out in their spare time and not during school hours, and the fourth has to be completed at a time determined by the school. The four are:

  • Volunteering:
    Undertake service to individuals or the community. This develops compassion, commitment and the confidence to make a difference.
  • Physical:
    Improve in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. This develops fitness, enjoyment and, depending on the activity, teamwork.
  • Skills:
    Develop practical and social skills and personal interests. This helps young people to realise their unique potential and gain greater self-esteem.
  • Expedition:
    Plan, train for, and complete an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad. This develops teamwork and leadership, and challenges young people to push themselves beyond their expectations.

The Award Scheme is a fantastic opportunity for youngsters to further their skills of independence and leadership and is highly regarded by higher education institutions and employers. The Award Scheme requires persistence and commitment, and it is therefore the responsibility of the participant to find and arrange the activities that they will undertake for their volunteering, physical and skills sections. The school can offer advice but cannot find or organise the activities. Participants should also ideally choose something new for them; there is an extensive list of activities that are acceptable on the DofE website:



Educational Visits

Parents or carers must give their permission for their child to participate in visits.

The Parental Consent Form covers visits in the following three categories:

  1. Specific, one-off visits e.g. museum visits, field trips
  2. Regular, routine off-site activities e.g. use of off-site facilities for PE
  3. Off-site sporting fixtures

These trips and activities may take place on or outside the school day. The school will send you information about each trip in Category 1 before it takes place, with a brief reply slip to acknowledge receipt. You can, if you wish, tell the school that you do not want your child to take part in any particular school trip or activity.

The Parental Consent Form can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate link below:

The PC/07 form is required for all overseas, adventurous or residential activities.



Useful Information


Sporting Event Student code of conduct

  • Students should be proud to be selected to represent Northgate High School in a sporting event.
  • Students must demonstrate excellent teamwork, determination and respect at all times when representing Northgate High School.
  • When committing to represent Northgate High School in a sporting event, students should ensure they comply fully with the following key principles of the student code of conduct.

Please click on the link below for our Sporting Event Student code of conduct:


Sporting Event Student code of conduct

  • Students should be proud to be selected to represent Northgate High School in a sporting event.
  • Students must demonstrate excellent teamwork, determination and respect at all times when representing Northgate High School.
  • When committing to represent Northgate High School in a sporting event, students should ensure they comply fully with the following key principles of the student code of conduct.

Please click on the link below for our Sporting Event Student code of conduct:


Contact Us

Northgate High School
Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 3DL

Tel: 01473 210 123