Homework & Marking
Below you will find our Homework and Marking Key Principles and Feedback for Progress:
Northgate - Homework Key Principles
- To create an ethos and culture where students take responsibility for their learning and develop positive study habits outside the classroom.
- To promote an enthusiasm for learning and set an appropriate level of challenge for all students.
- To develop research skills. To ‘flip’ the learning so students come to the lesson already started to build an understanding of the topic or having ‘had a go’ at a problem.
- To foster the development of effective revision strategies. Students need to be less reliant on teachers and need to revise more independently.
- To develop skills of metacognition – learning how to learn. To develop reflective learners, self-regulation and self-awareness.
- To encourage students to respond to feedback. To encourage ‘upgrading’, redrafting and polishing.
- To encourage students to read around key topics and develop a genuine interest in the subject.
We seek to engage parents by:
- Providing ways that they can support at home.
- Making them aware of what homework has been set via Bromcom's MyChildAtSchool.
Marking at Northgate - Feedback for Progress
More traditional forms of marking have been shown to have little impact on pupil outcomes. Our aim is to provide regular feedback that enables students to progress.
Northgate’s Six Stage Model for Feedback for Progress
STAGE 1 – When the work is set - Make sure students can ‘see’ what a good response to the task looks like (modelling, examples of excellence, clear success criteria).
STAGE 2 – When students are working - Make oral feedback really count. Encourage students to record key pieces of advice, respond to oral feedback and show where they have used it in their work.
STAGE 3 – Just before students hand in their work to be marked - Establish the rule self-assessment before teacher assessment. Have high expectations and encourage pride in presentation.
STAGE 4 – When marking the work - Marking identifies strengths and areas where the student has made progress. It also highlights areas for development and informs their next steps.
STAGE 5 – Returning the work - Students engage with their feedback. Feedback should be more work for the recipient than the donor.
STAGE 6 – Reflection - Students recognise that responding to feedback leads to improved performance. They are able to identify where and how they have progressed. Students will need to be coached through this stage.