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Reports and assessment


Years 7 to 8

Parents’ Guide to Reports & Assessment
- Years 7 & 8

Types of report

You will mainly receive reports in the form of Progress Checks. As the name suggests, these are a way in which we report on and monitor the progress that a learner is making.

In addition, there are some other report formats that are specific to certain year groups and have a particular purpose, such as the Year 7 Settling-In Report.

Reports provide formal points at which we will communicate with you about your child’s progress. However, learners are continually being monitored and interventions made when needed outside these official reporting periods.


Behaviour information

The behaviour information links to the points system for student behaviour in school. Teachers can award positive points for good behaviour, such as displaying the Northgate Values, or for excellent effort or academic achievement. They can also award negative points for infringements of the school behaviour policy. For information about the points awarded for your child, please log on to Go4schools.


Grades used on reports

The Current Band is that which the teacher judges the learner to be working within at the time the report is produced.

We have devised a system based on the skills, knowledge and understanding that we would expect students in Years 7 and 8 to show. There are separate expectations for each year, which are presented in the form of bands, as follows:

Mastering The learner has demonstrated a comprehensive grasp of the expected skills, knowledge and understanding.
Securing The learner has a secure grasp of the expected skills, knowledge and understanding.
Developing The learner has grasped some of the expected skills, knowledge and understanding, but there are still some areas to be addressed.
Emerging The learner is beginning to show the expected skills, knowledge and understanding expected.

Students working above the expectations for the relevant year group are Exceeding.
Students who are not yet demonstrating the skills, knowledge and understanding expected in Year 7/8 are working towards.


Report attributes

There are three attributes that we report on. These are:

  • Classwork
  • Homework
  • Behaviour

They are reported on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing the highest level.


Any questions?
Years 7 and 8 Parents' Guide to Reports and Assessment
Download PDF

If you have any queries in relation to our reports, please email




Northgate Attainment Band Descriptors

For further information about Northgate’s reporting systems, download the files below:

Years 9

Parents’ Guide to Reports & Assessment - Year 9

Types of report

You will mainly receive reports in the form of Progress Checks. As the name suggests, these are a way in which we report on and monitor the progress that a learner is making.

In addition, there are some other report formats that are specific to certain year groups and have a particular purpose, such as the Year 7 Settling-In Report.

Reports provide formal points at which we will communicate with you about your child’s progress. However, learners are continually being monitored and interventions made when needed outside these official reporting periods.


Behaviour information

The behaviour information links to the points system for student behaviour in school. Teachers can award positive points for good behaviour, such as displaying the Northgate Values, or for excellent effort or academic achievement. They can also award negative points for infringements of the school behaviour policy. For information about the points awarded for your child, please log on to Go4schools.
Grades used on reports The Current Grade/Band is the grade that the teacher judges the learner to be working at when the report is produced. We report in the grade appropriate to the course being followed.

For a limited number of subjects in which it is not yet appropriate to assign a GCSE grade, we continue to report in Northgate Bands, as in Year 7 and 8. 


Report attributes

There are three attributes that we report on. These are:

  • Classwork
  • Homework
  • Behaviour

They are reported on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing the highest level.


Any questions?
Years 9 Parents' Guide to Reports and Assessment
Download PDF

If you have any queries in relation to our reports, please email


Northgate Attainment Band Descriptors

For further information about Northgate’s reporting systems, download the files below:


Year 10 to 11

Parents’ Guide to Reports and Assessment


Types of report

You will mainly receive reports in the form of Progress Checks. As the name suggests, these are a way in which we report on and monitor the progress that a learner is making.

In addition, there are some other report formats that are specific to certain year groups and have a particular purpose, such as the Year 7 Settling-In Report.
Reports provide formal points at which we will communicate with you about your child’s progress. However, learners are continually being monitored and interventions made when needed outside these official reporting periods.


Behaviour information

The behaviour information links to the points system for student behaviour in school. Teachers can award positive points for good behaviour, such as displaying the Northgate Values, or for excellent effort or academic achievement. They can also award negative points for infringements of the school behaviour policy. For further information about the points awarded for your child, please log on to Go4schools.


Grades used on reports

There are two questions that we aim to answer for you with the grades on our reports:

  • What is my child’s current attainment?
  • What might I expect my child to attain in the future?

What is my child’s current attainment?

Current Grade: The grade which the teacher judges the learner to be working at when the report is produced. We report in the grade appropriate to the course being followed.

What might I expect my child to achieve in the future?

Most Likely Grade: The grade that the learner's teacher believes they are likely to achieve at the end of the course based on their performance to date.
‘Fair Wind’ Grade: The grade that the learner’s teacher believes the student might be able to achieve if they put in maximum effort between now and the end of the course.

Report attributes

There are three attributes that we report on. These are:

  • Classwork
  • Homework
  • Behaviour

They are assessed on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing the highest level.


Any questions?
Years 10 to 11 Parents' Guide to Reports and Assessment
Download PDF

If you have any queries in relation to our reports, please email 

Sixth Form

Parents’ Guide to Reports and Assessment

Types of report

In the Autumn Term of Year 12, you will receive a Year 12 Settling-In Review. As the name suggests, this gives an early indication of how students have settled into the sixth form and how they are performing in each subject.

Following this, you will receive reports in the form of Progress Checks. As the name suggests, these are a way in which we report on and monitor the progress that a learner is making.

Reports provide formal points at which we will communicate with you about your child’s progress. However, learners are continually being monitored and interventions made when needed outside these official reporting periods.


Grades used on reports

There are two questions that we aim to answer for you with the grades on our reports.

  • What is my child’s current attainment?
  • What might I expect my child to attain in the future?

What is my child’s current attainment?

Current Grade: The grade at which the teacher judges the learner to be currently working.

What might I expect my child to attain in the future?

Most Likely Grade: The grade that the learner's teacher believes they are likely to achieve at the end of the course based on their performance to date.
Fair Wind Grade: The grade that the learner’s teacher believes the student might be able to achieve if they put in maximum effort between now and the end of the course.


Report attributes

There are two attributes that we report on in the sixth form. These are:

  • Approach to Learning
  • Independent Learning

They are assessed on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 representing the highest level. Full descriptions relating to each number feature on the report itself.


Any questions?
Sixth Form Parents' Guide to Reports and Assessment
Download PDF

If you have any queries in relation to our reports, please email 

Contact Us

Northgate High School
Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 3DL

Tel: 01473 210 123