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Careers at Northgate High School

The Careers team at Northgate High School is based in a purpose-designed suite in the administration block. We support students in making well-informed choices by providing impartial information, advice and guidance about the range of options that are available to students, including apprenticeships, college, employment, sixth form and university. We aid students to make decisions at key transition points and help to prepare them for whatever their next steps might be.

Students are able to access the Careers Suite throughout the school day and can make appointments to see members of staff. There is a fully-stocked careers library and prospectuses from a range of education providers. The suite is equipped with computers with Internet access and staff are on hand to help students make decisions about their future.

Our Careers Leader is Mrs V Calder. Heads of Year, the Learning Support team, form tutors and pastoral staff work with students to support the work of the Careers team.

If you would like to contact one of the Careers team, please do so on the usual school number - 01473 210123 - or by emailing

A copy of our Careers policy can be found below:

All careers information is reviewed each July ready for the start of the next academic year.

Schools Careers Plan

Our school careers plan has been informed by The Gatsby Benchmarks and the DfE’s ‘Careers Guidance and access for education and training providers’ (October 2018). Our school Careers Policy and Strategy details how we ensure that we have a careers system in place that fully meets the needs of our students, connects their learning to the future, widens their horizons, raises aspirations and gives them a clear idea of the routes to jobs and careers. 

The Careers Programme

The Careers programme at Northgate High School aims to develop in all students the knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities which will enable them to be effective in a variety of adult roles and working life.

In Year 8, Careers is delivered as part of the tutorial and RSHE /PSHE programmes. Topics covered include the relationship between school and work, skills and qualifications for the workplace and different career paths.

In Years 9 to 11, Careers is delivered both as part of the tutorial programme and through our Core programme. In Year 9 students undertake a self-analysis, think about employability and consider their future aspirations and options. In Year 10 the focus is on jobs and the application process. In addition, Year 10 students undertake a work experience programme. In Year 11, students are supported in identifying appropriate routes for their life beyond Northgate.

In Years 12 and 13, Careers is delivered through careers lessons, specific guidance sessions, access to workshops and speakers, input by our alumni and through one-to-one support. A number of students also undertake work experience as part of their programme in the Sixth Form.

We also run events to support our young people in planning for their future, such as our Year 9 Options Evening, Year 11 Pathways evening and Year 12 Next Steps Evening, to which external providers are invited.

A copy of our current Careers Programme can be found below:


Provider Access Statement

Providers and employers who wish to come into school to work with students and staff to give information, advice and guidance on the education, training and employment opportunities that they offer should follow the procedure set out in the school’s Provider Access Statement.

A copy of our Provider Access policy statement can be found below:


Employer Links

Through our strong links with local employers, education providers and our alumni, we are able to provide a range of employer encounters for students throughout their time at our school. These include work experience, employer careers talks, mentoring, curriculum support, assemblies, workplace visits and mock interviews. 

Measuring & Assessing Impact

Our annual destinations data suggests that our Careers programme is successful in helping students to prepare for their future. Our Careers Leader, members of the Careers team and the school’s senior leadership team monitor and evaluate our careers programme. We use the Career & Enterprise Company’s ‘Compass’ self-evaluation toolkit to evaluate our progress in working towards the Gatsby Benchmarks and to identify areas of development. 

In addition, our Careers programme is monitored and evaluated through our student surveys, feedback received from the employers and education providers that we work with, parents, staff and the school’s governors. We use this information to review and refine our Careers offer with key trends being reported back to our senior leadership team and our school governors. A designated governor has responsibility for overseeing the quality of delivery and effectiveness of our school’s careers programme. 

Please contact our Careers Leader with any additional feedback that you have on the provision of our careers programme at Northgate High School.

Additional Careers Advice for Students & Parents

Additional Careers Advice for Students and Parents

National Careers Service logo


UCAS logo

Apprenticeships logo

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Start Logo

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LMI For All



Northgate High School is not responsible for the content of external links.

Contact Us

Northgate High School
Sidegate Lane, Ipswich, IP4 3DL

Tel: 01473 210 123