Information for Employers
We welcome and value the opportunity to work with a range of employers to support our careers programme. Students really benefit from being able to relate their learning in the classroom to real jobs and careers.
Employers support our careers programme in a number of ways, which include offering work experience placements, attending our careers fair, speaking to students about jobs in their industry, mentoring students, delivering assemblies and carrying out mock interviews with students.
Employers are welcome to leave a copy of relevant company literature, or details of their apprenticeship/school-leaver programmes, in the Careers Suite, which is managed by the Careers Leader. The Careers Suite is available to all students at lunch and break times and throughout the day for Sixth Form students.
Employers wishing to support the careers and enterprise programme at Northgate should contact Victoria Calder, Careers Leader, to discuss how they would like to be involved.
Telephone | 01473 210123 |
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We are always pleased to hear how you think any of the careers and enterprise activities that you have taken part in have gone and whether you think they have been useful to you and the students that you saw. By hearing what you have found most beneficial and what you think didn’t work so well, we can make sure that future activities we carry out are even better. Please forward your feedback to our Careers Leader, Victoria Calder.